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2001-2002 – The Starter Problem

John Rice


Mate in 2

1.Qa3!  (2.Bd5#)

1...Ke4  2.Bc2# (set 2.Bd5#)
1...Qf6+ 2.Be6# (set 2.Qxf6#)
1...Qc4+ 2.Bxc4#
1...Qa4+ 2.Bxa4#
1...Qe3  2.Bd1#
1...Qxd2 2.Bd1#
1...e4   2.Bd1#

There are the following ‘tries’, given by solvers, defeated as noted:

1.Bd5+? 1...e4! 2.Bxe4?? Kxe4!!
1.Kd5? 1...f1=Q!
1.Bd1+? 1...Ke4! 2.Qd5?? Kf5!!
1.Qxf4+? 1...gxf4!
1.Qf5? 1...f1=Q!
1.Bc2? 1...f1=Q! or 1...f1=S!
1.Rxg5? 1...f1=Q!, 1...f1=S!, 1...Qf6+!, 1...Qf7! or 1...Qxf8!
1.Bc4? 1...f1=Q! or 1...f1=S!
1.Qb4? 1...f1=Q!, 1...Qe3!, 1...Qc4+! or 1...Qf6+!

Developed and maintained by Brian Stephenson.