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2009-2010 – The Starter Problem

John Rice


Mate in 2

1.dxc6?  (2.dxc7#)

1...cxd6 2.Qxd6#

1.dxc7!  (2.dxc6#)
1...Se6 2.dxe6# 1...Se4 2.Se2# 1...Sf7 2.Qh4# 1...cxd5 2.Qxd5# 1...Sf6 2.Qxf6# 1...Se7 2.Qxh8#

The following moves, both of which fail as indicated, were given by unsuccessful solvers.

1.Qe8? (2.Qe5,Qe3,Se2#) 1...Se6!
1.Qf8? (2.Qf2#) 1...Sh3!,Sf7!

This problem is a fine illustration of the halfbattery theme, in which two white units stand between a white line-piece and the black king and one of them must be moved away to make a threat. One or more of these moves are close tries, with another one being the key. In this example, untypically for the theme, the white line piece also gives mates.

There were 241 entries this year, of which 39  were incorrect.

Developed and maintained by Brian Stephenson.