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2018-2019 – The Periodical Table

Solution Correct Soultion Incorrect Total
The Guardian 62 86 148
Financial Times 30 43 73
The Times 30 39 69
The Telegraph 20 30 50
The Problemist 32 13 45
Chess and Bridge 1 3 4
Western Morning News 2 0 2
British Chess Magazine 1 0 1
Welsh Correspondence Chess Fed. 0 1 1
No Publication Given 28 32 60
Distribution to Schools – Juniors 21 11 32
Distribution to Schools – Adults 20 8 28
Totals 247 266 513

The number of replies was an increase on last year’s 403, though there were fewer correct solutions than last year’s 334. The English Chess Federation published the version of The Starter sent to schools, so the number of replies from the ECF is included in the numbers allocated to “Distribution to Schools”. This is the third consecutive year that The Guardian has provided the most replies.

Developed and maintained by Brian Stephenson.