Two tries fail to the opening of rook lines – 1.Sf4? threat
2.Sd3, but 1...dxc5! and 1.Re3? threat 2.Rxe2, but 1...exf5!
The key 1.Rg3, threatens immediate mate by 2.Rg1, but unpins
the queen, which can give two checks. Each check eliminates a pawn,
invalidating a defence so that after the queen returns to f2 one of the
original threats now works.
1...Qxc5+ 2.Rc3+ Qf2 3.Sf4 any 4.Sd3;
1...Qxf5+ 2.Rd3+ Qf2 3.Re3 any 4.Rxe2.
After 1...h2 2.Rg2 mates next move (the h3 pawn prevents a cook by 1.Sf4
with two threats).
Dafydd Johnston: The logical way to solve this problem is to consider
the two tries, 1.Sf4 and 1.Re3, noticing that they are defeated by opening
files for the two rooks by captures, and then finding a way to eliminate
the white pawns. The illogical approach, which I took, is to hit on 1.Rg3
as the most interesting looking key, and then think what happens after
getting back to the same position without the pawns. Either way, it’s
a very pleasing composition.
Peter Niehoff: Two attempted threats are defeated by the opening of
rook defences. These are invalidated by White in a fascinating way, as the
queen is induced to remove the white pawns in the mainplays.
Jacob Hoover: This was one of the easier moremovers that I’ve
attempted to solve.