1.Qh8 threat 2.Qc3+ b×c3 3.d×c3;
1...S random 2.Se3+ B×e3 3.dxe3 ; 2…K×d3 3.Bf5;
1...S×d3 2.Q×b2+ S×b2 3.d4;
1...Se4 2.Q×b2+ K×d3 3.Be2;
1...Kxd3 2.S×b2+ Kc2 3.d3; 2…Ke4 3.Bf5;
1...d4 2.Q×d4 threat 3.Se3 ; 2…Qxc4 3.Qxc4.
A white pawn on its starting square can make a maximum of four moves. All four
featuring during the solution constitutes the Albino theme. Here the d2
pawn makes four mating moves, despite being unable to move in the
diagram. The black knight also provides correction play.
Dafydd Johnston: A marvellous Albino. I especially like the
paradoxical white queen capture on b2 only when it is guarded by the
black knight, clearing the way for 3.d4.
Jacob Hoover: Battery play coupled with black correction and also
white sacrifices. Very nice.