A pleasing touch of artistry is given to a problem when the play from both
sides shows similar strategy. This four-mover is a fine illustration.
If White tries 1.Qe8? threatening 2.Sb8+ Bxb8 3.Qb5, Black defends by
annihilating his bishop – 1...Bb8 2.Sxb8+ Qxb8, pinning the queen
(if 1...Be1 or Bf2 2.Se5 and 2.Rd6 both lead to mate). The key,
1.Re5, threatens 2.Sb8 mate, and forces Black to capture
the rook. With the e-file cleared White continues
2.Qe8 Bb8 3.Qxe2+ Qxe2 4.Sxb8 (or 3...d3 4.Qxd3).