Comins Mansfield
To welcome in the New Year a demonstration of the artistry and
constructional skill of Britain’s finest ever two-move composer.
1.Sg4 threat 2.Sxh2. 1...Kg3 2.Sge5; 1...Se4 2.Sfe5; 1...Sxg4 2.Sg5; 1...Sd3 2.Qb7; 1...Sd1 2.Sd8;
1...Qxe3 2.Qxe3. The key gives a flight and sets up direct and indirect batteries. The flight is
followed by a pin-mate, and the moves of the black knight, which open guards on h2 and g3, provide a fine
quartet of variations, involving selfblocks allowing white self-interference, an interference at d3, and a
white shut-off mate at d8.