This three-mover was one of twelve positions featured in the three-hour
Open Solving tourney at the Warsaw Grand Prix on 19th January. The event
was won by the 16-year-old Russian Danila Pavlov, who finished with
59/60, 6½ points ahead of the runner-up, World Champion Piotr Murdzia.
The key is the Bristol-style clearance 1.Ra1, with a threat of 2.Qh1 followed by
3.Qb1 (if 2...d1Q 3.Rxd1). There are two defences – after 1...Be4 White exploits
the selfblock with 2.Sf4+ Kxd4 3.Qc5, while 1...Rxf6 eliminates the possibility of
2...exf6, allowing 2.a4 threat 3.Ra3.
Tries include 1.h4? threat 2.Rh3+, but 1...Rxf6! and 1.Rb1? threat 2.b4, but 1...exf6!
Guy Meissonnier: A very subtle three-mover and a brilliant illustration of the Healey (or Bristol)
theme (named after Frank Healey (1828-1906))!