A three-mover which combines clarity of theme and construction.
The key is 1.Bd6, with no threat. The black bishop obstructs the knight four times, allowing the
appropriate white knight response: 1...Bc1 2.S5c3 and 3.Se2 (2...Sc1?); 1...Bb2 2.Sb6 and 3.Qc4 (2...Sb2?);
1...Bb4 2.Se7 and 3.Sc6 (2...Sb4?); 1...Bxc5 2.Sc7 and 3.Se6 (2...Sxc5?). If 1...S any 2.Bxe5+ Kxe5 3.Qf6
or 2...Kc5 3.Qb5 or Qc8.
The next problem will be posted on Monday 26th August.