An interesting three-move theme from Harri Hurme, who died on 23rd
September at the age of 74. Harri was a stalwart of Finnish chess
composition for many decades and held the titles of FM composer, IM
solver and FM player.
1.Sxg5 threatens 2.Sdf7 and 3.Rd8. Black can defend by capturing on f3. Removal of the
pawn potentially opens lines for the d1 bishop and f1 rook to check after the piece captures on d5,
but these will be nullified by the threat. After 1...Qxf3 2.Bxa4 threatens 3.c7 and queen defences
2...Qa3, Qb3, Qd1 or Qxd5 vacate the f-file for 3.Rf8 mate. After 1...Bxf3 2.Rh1 threatens
3.Rh8, and bishop defences 2...Bxh1 or Bh5 allow 3.B(x)h5 mate. There is a neat by-play
variation which opens one queen line while closing another – 1...c3 2.Rf5 and 3.Rf8 mate.
Other knight moves fail because they close white lines – 1.Sh6? or 1.Sh8? Bxf3! 1.Se5? c3!