Hans Peter Rehm
1.Bd3 threatens 2.Be4 mate, and in matching variations a black rook is decoyed followed by a
careful choice of knight or bishop move to c4 which induces an obstruction between black knight and bishop at
b4. White then sacrifices to free c4 for the remaining piece to exploit the black obstruction.
1...Rxg4 (removing the possibility of a check at h6) 2.Sc4 (threat 3.Sa5) Bb4 3.Sxe5+
fxe5 4.Bc4 threat 5.Bd5 (4...Sb4??).
1...Re1 (removing a future guard of a5) 2.Bc4 (threat 3.Bd5) Sb4 3.Bb5+ Sxb5 4.Sc4
threat 5.Sa5 (4...Bb4??).