Joseph Warton
An example of a type of problem which was a Warton speciality. The
solver should start by examining the set play (Black moving first in the
Any move of the black knight allows 2.Rxe4 mate. The black queen must guard against a knight mate on f5,
but any of its four moves to g4, e6, d7 or c8 allows a capture, followed by 3.Sf5 mate. Hence the position is
a block, which White cannot maintain, for example 1.Kb4? Sd3+! or 1.Kxa3? Qxf3+!. The key 1.Ra8 leads
to a clever change, replacing 1...Qd7+ 2.Rxd7 with 2.Kxa3, after which the black queen must allow
either 3.Ra4 or 3.Sf5 mate. The problem is sound with a black pawn on e4, but this would allow
a dual 1...Qg4 2.fxg4 or 2.Rxg4. One of the most subtle Warton mutates.