Chris Handloser
The key 1.Be6 occupies the intersection square of the black rooks and threatens two short mates,
2.Sxc6 and 2.Be5. Thus the problem looks like a standard example of the Plachutta theme,
and the solver might expect the continuations to be 1...Rexe6 2.Sxc6+ and 1...Rgxe6 2.Be5+, however the
removal of the guards on c4 and d5 allow the king to escape. Surprisingly the continuations are reversed:
1...Rexe6 2.Be5+ Rxe5 3.Qc4 or 2...Kd5 3.Bf6 and 1...Rgxe6 2.Sxc6+ Rxc6 3.Qd5
or 2...Kc4 3.Sd6. A beautiful feature is that in each line the pin of e6 is exploited.