Camillo Gamnitzer
Austria’s Camillo Gamnitzer is best known for his difficult strategic
selfmates. This five-mover has a full length threat and a well-hidden
main variation.
1.b7 threatens 2.Qb2+ Kc5 3.Qe5+ Kb6 4.Sc8+ Rxc8 5.bxc8S. Black’s only defence is
1...Rhh8, which weakens g7. White continues 2.Sh4 threat 3.Sf3, and Black’s
defence 2...Sd2 turns out to be an anticipatory selfblock, allowing
3.Shf5+ gxf5 4.Qg1+ Kc3 5.Qxg7 with a model mate. If 2...Sh2 3.Kxh2 mates next move. Three
pieces have to clear lines for the queen to reach g7.