The name Karpov is of course familiar to players, but the problem world
had its own Karpov, Russian composer Valery Nikolayevich Karpov
(1939-1998), who gained the title of FIDE Master for Composition. This
light selfmate, with two well-matched variations, demonstrates his
With both black rook and bishop pointing at b8 moving the rear piece of the white battery there makes sense,
so 1.Rb8. The continuations are determined by where the black pawn ends up on move 3.
1...c6 2.Sc7 c5 3.Sa8 c4 4.Sh7+ Bxb8 and 1...c5 2.Ka8 c4 3.Sa7 c3 4.Se6+
(the knightâs arrival square is nicely forced!) Rxb8. Fine economy.