Zdravko Maslar
A helpmate with highly unified solutions by the eminent Serbian composer
Zdravko Maslar, who died on 24th April at the age of 89.
1.Rg3+ Kf2 2.b1B Re2 3.Bf3 Bxe5; 1.Bg3 Kxg2 2.b1R Bxc1 3.Rf3 Ra4.
Black occupies the same three squares each time! The pair of Grimshaws are complemented by the underpromotions which fill Black’s spare move. 1.Rg3+ both frees the white king and unguards the mating square, but there is no way that the latter could be eliminated and in fact it is essential to prevent a cook starting 1.Bf2 Kxf2. Although Black’s options in the diagram are limited by the need to give White a move, the play is excellent.
Jacob Hoover: Note that in each final position the white king has two black batteries aimed at him!
Juha Neitola: I wonder why this problem did not win a prize. Maybe because 1.Rg3+ not only self-interferes: it is needed to unguard e5, too. And whereas 2.b1R only selfblocks, 2.b1B is needed for two line openings as well.
Richard Stein: “Commended?” Is that all? This temple to the natures of the rook and bishop, with its multiple interferences and underpromotions, deserved a prize of some sort.