1st Prize, J. Öhquist MT, 1950
Direct attempts to mate by the e5 knight are easily countered by the black bishop – 1.Sc4? Bb6!, 1.Sxd3? Bc7! and 1.Sxf3? Bd8! White can move his e-pawn to threaten 2.Rb1 and 3.Qf1. Black can then defend by moving the b7 knight to allow 2..Bxd5, but each move eliminates a bishop defence. A precise key move by the white pawn is necessary.
1.e4 threat 2.Rb1 and 3.Qf1
1...Sc5 2.Sc4 and 3.Se3
1...Sd6 2.Sxd3 and 3.Sf4
1...Sd8 2.Sxf3 and 3.Sh4
Not 1.e3? Sc5!, 1.exd3? Sd6! or 1.exf3? Sd8!
A problem notable for the unity of its idea and the clarity of its construction.