An uncluttered position which contains more play than you might expect.
The key, 1.Rf5, sets up a zugzwang. If the rook moves randomly along the rank White mates by 2.Qxd5+ cxd5 3.c6. 1...Rxc5 is followed by a second queen sacrifice, 2.Qe4+ dxe4 3.Bxc5. The two most interesting variations are 1...Rb3 2.Qa1 Rxb6 3.b4; 2...Rb4 3.b3; 2...Ra3 3.bxa3; 2...Rc3 3.bxc3; 2...Rh3 etc. 3.Qa4, 2...Rxb2 3.Qxb2, and 1...Rf3 2.Qg1 Rf5 3.f4; 2...Rf4 3.f3; 2...Rg3 3.fxg3; 2...Re3 3.fxe3; 2..Ra3 etc. 3.Qg4, 2..Rxf2 3.Qxf2. Hence the problem doubles the Albino theme. 1...Rc2 and Rc1 are followed by 2.Qf3 with multiple threats. Amazing richness from a relatively simple position.