John Beasley died on 3rd March, at the age of 84. John had a great
interest in puzzles of all sorts, publishing books on Peg Solitaire and
the Mathematics of Games, in addition to a number of books on chess
composition. For many years he acted as BCPS Librarian, housing the
library in his basement. As a frequent visitor I remember John’s (and
his wife Sue’s) hospitality with gratitude.
1...Se6 2.Rh5+ Sg5 3.Rg7 B mates
1...Se8 or Sh5 2.Rf7+ Sf6 3.Bg7 B mates
Jacob Hoover: The key 1 Rh7! (waiting) preserves the set play 1...Se6 2.Rh5+ and answers 1...Se8/Sh5 with 2 Rf7+. Together these two lines illustrate a white Grimshaw, with the g8-rook interfering with the bishop in the former line and the bishop interfering with this rook in the latter. These interferences are necessary so that White has no control of the mating line.