

  • July Problemist

    On p. 156, in F3806 by McDowell and Seetharaman, the black bishop b1 should be a white bishop.


  • July Problemist

    In R575 on p. 146 the black knight on b1 should be white.

    On p. 169, the composer of the 4th Commend should be George Sphicas, not George Shicas.


  • September Problemist

    One of the composers of S2818 on p. 436 has been misprinted. It is Marandyuk, not Maradyuk

  • March Problemist

    The stipulation to F3577 on p.315 should include the condition Maximummer.


  • November Problemist

    The solution to R539 on p.229 is incorrect. Moves 5 to 6 should read: 5.hxg8=B Rxh2 6.Rxh2 Bg7. Moves 1-4 and 7-8 are correct.

  • September Problemist

    The stipulation of problem No. 4 on the front page should be 'S#2', not '#3'.

  • July Problemist

    In H4244, a H#2 with 2 solutions by Pal Benko and Andy Kalotay, there should be a black pawn at h6.

    In R541 by Cedric Lytton, the diagram has been misprinted. Please add a bPc7 and remove the bRa8.

  • May Problemist

    In H4231, there are not two solutions. The problem is a two-part twin with (a) being the diagram position and (b) being the diagram position with Ph5 moved to g5. There is one solution in each part.

  • March Problemist

    In H4213, the instruction for part (d) should read '(d)+Pf7>c7', not "(d)+Pf7>h7".


  • January Problemist

    In diagram 4 on the front page, the black pawn at h8 should be a black rook.


  • November Problemist

    On the inside cover page (p.218) in the piece on the ISC, John Rice’s email address is incorrect and should be jmandapr@gmail.co.

  • September Problemist

    On p. 200, diagram A1, there should be a black pawn on b3.

  • March Problemist

    In Jonathan Mestel’s article on p.46 there are a couple of moves missing in the solution to No.10 (Rusinek):

    After 5.a8=B! the continuation should read as follows: And now 5...Sd5 is stalemate, so 5...Se5 6.Kb8 Sc6+ 7.Kc8 Bf1 and again White can’t play 8.b8=Q because of 8...Ba6+ 9.Qb7 Se4 10.Qxa6 Sd6#. 8.b8=S loses on material after 8...Se7+ 9.Kb7 Bg2+ 10.Ka7 (10.Sc6 Bxc6+ 11.Ka7 Bd7) 10.Sc8+ 11.Ka6 Bxa8. This just leaves 8.b8=R!! Ba6+ 9.Rb7 and Black runs out of ideas.

  • January Problemist

    In diagram 6 by Jozef Lozek (Slovakia) on the front page, the square f1 should be empty.


  • July Problemist

    There is an incorrect diagram for problem R503, by Itamar Faybish (Belgium), PG 9.0. The diagram was published with a white Bishop on f1, but that square should be empty. The correct position should be:

    Itamar Faybish


    PG 9.0

  • May Problemist

    The following is the correct diagram for problem C11455 in the Championship Section on p.362.

    Kabe Moen (USA)



    #2 vv


  • September Problemist

    Page 195: Diagram H3872 the knight on c1 should be white.

  • March Problemist

    Page 75: Diagram C1 the white pawn on c6 should be on c7.

    On the front page the late Gligor Denkovski was said to be from Serbia when he was in fact from Macedonia.


  • November Problemist

    Page 502: The lecture that Michael McDowell gave was on Bakcsi’s directmates, not his helpmates (this was correctly stated in the September issue).

    Page 525: The problem numbers of the Fairy originals are the same as those for September. They should be F3166 to F3178.

  • July Problemist

    p. 421 Problem B by Paul Valois. The white knight at e4 should be a white rook.

  • March Problemist

    p. 325 Problem F by Michel Caillaud. The white rook at a8 should be black.


  • November Problemist

    p. 229 Problem B by Valery Shavyrin. The black pawn at d5 should be white.

  • July Problemist

    p. 146 Problem C11139 by Robert Lincoln. This problem has six (6) intended solutions.

    Sub-Editor David Shire writes about this problem - “When Bob (Lincoln) gave me this diagram he made no comment ... and then, as the story unfolded, I found it very satisfying. With 6 white pieces in a miniature with a bK solus, I thought a 6 key stipulation was a massive clue that would take the fun away. Hence my ‘cryptic clue’”.

  • May Problemist

    P. 97 Problem 9 by Ado Kraemer. There should be a black knight on h3.

  • May Supplement

    P. 279 Problem PS2714 by Barry Barnes. The white pawn on a6 should be a black pawn.

  • January Problemist

    p.36 Problem E2 by Lennart Werner. The specification of twin (d) should read 'Bb8->d6'.

    p. 3 Problem D by Christopher Reeves. There should be a black bishop on h7.


  • November Problemist

    p.515 Problem H3607 by Boris Shorokhov is missing a black pawn on h3.

  • September Problemist

    p.453 The problem by R.Brain is cooked by 3.Rg1 Kxg1 4.Bxa6 (wRh1) Rxh7 (bSg8). Correct by moving the wK to h4 and the bPc3 to f4.

  • March Problemist

    p. 337, problem F2950 by Jorma Pitkänen The stipulation should be Ser-H=14, not the 13 moves as stated.

    p. 337, problem F2959 by Paul Bissicks The white Bishop at d6 should be a white Knight.


  • September Problemist

    P.187 problem B by Klett. The pawn at b5 should be white.

    p.206 problem C5 by Ehlers. The black rook at c8 should be a black bishop and the black bishop at d8 should be a black rook.

  • May Problemist

    P.120 problem A1 by Chepizhny should have twins b) bKh5 and c) bKf6.


  • November Problemist

    P.505 Problem C: A black bishop at b8 has been omitted from the diagram .


  • September Problemist

    P.189 Problem E by Shinkman: The white king should stand at f1 to prevent a dual 1...Kd6 2.Rxe4 or 2.Re8.

  • May Problemist

    P.107 Diagram E. The bishop on a1 should be black.

  • May Supplement

    P.963 PS2126F: version. The grasshopper on g4 should stand on f4.

  • March Problemist

    S2255 (Préchac) The diagram should have WRc5 and WPd5.


  • September Problemist

    P.467. Diagram F (Fleck). The black rook at f6 should stand at g6 and the white rook at d2 should stand at d1.

  • July Problemist

    H3180 (Rimkus) The rook at h4 should be black.

  • July Supplement

    PS2066F (Sobrecases) The Sg1 should be at f2.


  • May Problemist

    H3065 (Fomichev & Jones) The piece at e3 should be a black pawn.

    H3069 (Kalotay & Mikitovics) The twinning of part (c) should read +BPe3<>WPe4 (not +WPe3<>BPe4).

  • January Problemist

    P. 3. In the study by David Bronstein the white king should stand at e8 and the black king at c8.


  • September Problemist

    P.194. BCPS Residential Weekend 2006. The telephone number for the Best Western Midland Hotel is incorrect. It should read +44(0) 1332 345894.

  • March Problemist

    F2366 (Harris). Stephen Emmerson’s note that 1.Qb8 gives check is incorrect, as 2.QxK would be illegal under Isardam rules with the BQ on h8. The diagram is correct.

Developed and maintained by Brian Stephenson.