Joining the BCPS

We have a new PayPal account from January 2025 (see below)

New and existing members can send their subscriptions (or enquiries about subscriptions) to the Assistant Treasurer.
Membership enquiries, resignations or claims for issues not received can be sent to the Membership Secretary.
Contact details of all relevant committee members are available on the Contact Page, or on the back page of the latest The Problemist magazine.

Subscription rates

Membership rates (due each 1st January) are as follows:

  • Fellows: £37.50
  • Members: £30 for paper magazines
  • Members aged under 21: £15 for paper magazines
  • Members: £7.50 for PDF magazines only

Paper magazine subscribers can request the PDF for no further fee. The carrier sheet in the envelope containing paper magazines will show the date your subscription expires, and any other messages.

New members can join for a part-year at a fee agreed with the Assistant Treasurer.

Payment methods

Payments in £ sterling by UK cheque to the Assistant Treasurer (payable to ‘British Chess Problem Society’), or by bank transfer to the BCPS bank account:

Nat. West Bank, 31 Promenade, Cheltenham GL50 1LH
Sort code: 60-05-16, Account number: 24322520

For foreign transactions please use:

Bank Identifier Code [BIC]: NWBK GB 2L
International Bank Account No. (IBAN): GB 23 NWBK 6005 1624 3225 20

PayPal payments can also be made to the Society's PayPal account at newproblemist@yahoo.com. Please indicate purpose and member’s surname in the message (often called the ‘Note’) field. For paper copies only give postal address, for electronic-only copies email address, otherwise both. Payers using PayPal are asked to add 7.5% to cover charges.


The British Chess Problem Society holds personal information (e.g. names and addresses) which is processed for purposes which include the provision and administration of services and activities for members, participants and others who have regular contact with the Society. The information is handled in accordance with the data protection principles set out in the 1998 Act.

For the purposes of the 1998 Act:

  • the data controller is the British Chess Problem Society;
  • the nominated representative is the Treasurer of the BCPS for the time being.

Developed by Brian Stephenson. Now maintained by David Hodge.