Oakham 2008

For these photos of the 2007-2008 solving final at Oakham School we are grateful to Christopher Read from our sponsor, Winton Capital Management.

A view of the solving hall.

A view of the hall looking towards the control desk. In the foreground is Gerhardt Ogbeide.

Another view of the hall.

Another view of the hall. At the front is Oliver Penrose, brother of Jonathan.

John Nunn hard at work.

John Nunn hard at work. Behind him is David Friedgood.

Waiting for the prize-giving.

Solving carries on, even after the final round! From top to bottom, left to right: Dolf Wissmann, Piotr Murdzia, Michael McDowell, Jonathan Mestel, Colin McNab and John Nunn pass the time before the prizegiving by studying a miniature #3.

The British Solving Champion.

British Champion Jonathan Mestel receives his cheque from Christopher Read, the man from Winton.

Developed by Brian Stephenson. Now maintained by David Hodge.