As usual, GB will host two ‘nodes’ of the International Solving Contest (ISC) – one in Surbiton and one in Sheffield. The event will take place on Sunday 26th January 2020. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries. There are three sections: Category 1 for experienced chess solvers, Category 2 for solvers with an international rating of less than 2000 and Category 3 for younger solvers born after 31/12/2006. In each category solving will start at 10:00. Categories 1 and 2 will comprise two rounds of two hours each while category 3 will be one round of two hours. Lunch will be provided between the rounds. There is no entry fee and no prize fund.
The Surbiton venue will be John Rice’s house and is limited to a small number of solvers. Prospective solvers should contact John for details, though he is most likely fully booked already.
The Sheffield venue is Jurys Inn and can take up to 20 solvers. Please contact local controller Phillip Beckett to book your place.
The following solvers are already booked for the Sheffield venue:
There will be two solving competitions over the summer.
Firstly, at the British Championships in Torquay (for details of this congress see the ECF Website) there will be a solving tourney, split into three sections, Open, Minor and Junior, on Monday 29th July 2019 at 7.30 p.m..
Secondly, there will be a solving tourney at the MindSports Olympiad at the JW3 Centre, 341-351 Finchley Road, London (see the MSO website for further information) on August Bank Holiday Monday (26th August 2019) at 10.00 a.m..
Please direct any queries to the Hon. Secretary of the British Chess Problem Society, Christopher Jones (using the Contact item in the menu above) who will be the Controller at both events. At both events it will be possible, subject to space limitations, simply to turn up a quarter of an hour or so before the start time, but it is helpful for the organizers, and guarantees space for you, if you are able to let Christopher know in advance of your intention to take part.
The BCPS is happy to publicise the 4th Youth Chess Composing Challenge.
Since the March issue went to press, Olaf Jenkner has delivered an improved version of S2747 from that issue. It can be seen below. Solvers should note that ladder points will only be awarded for solution of the original setting, viz. S2747.
Olaf Jenkner (Chemnitz) and Marcin Banaszek (Reutlingen)
S2747v, The Problemist, March 2019
The final of the ECF Junior Team Problem Solving was held at Imperial College, London on Wednesday 3rd April. A full report can be found at the ECF Junior site. The BCPS is grateful to Phill Beckett and Neill Cooper of the ECF for instigating this event, now in its fourth year.
As has now become usual, GB will host two ‘nodes’ of the International Solving Contest (ISC) – one in Surbiton and one in Sheffield. The event will take place on Sunday 27th January 2019. There are three sections: Category 1 for experienced chess solvers, Category 2 for solvers with an international rating of less than or equal to 1700 and Category 3 for younger solvers born after 31/12/2005. In each category solving will start at 10:00. Categories 1 and 2 will comprise two rounds of two hours each while category 3 will be one round of two hours. Lunch will be provided between the rounds.
The Surbiton venue will be John Rice’s house and is limited to a small number of solvers. Prospective solvers should contact John for details, though he is most likely fully booked already.
The Sheffield venue is Jurys Inn and can take up to only 10 solvers, so getting in early is recommended. Please contact me to book your place.
The following solvers are already booked for the Sheffield venue: